Dreams of future Grants
Compter sur demain launched, in 2017, a project to award scholarships to young people of legal age from the Children’s Social Welfare.
When they turn 18 some of them can pretend to a renewable “jeunes majeurs” contract for 3 months to a year. However, this arrangement is becoming rare, the contract period has significantly been shortened, and even totally disappeared in some departments. These young people apprehend the day they will legally become adults: their familial or shelter support ends brutally for many of them. Without a solid familial nor financial support they access to a fragile independence and are pushed into short-term trainings with a random financing. These early and forced independence can have tragic consequences: 20% of homeless people left the parental home before the age of 16, a proportion 6 times higher than in the rest of the population.
Compter sur demain wishes to help the projects of these young people by financing concrete actions: access to training (registration fees, purchase of supplies ...), to independence (driving license, equipment ...) and more generally, any need to favor a good start in life by letting them dream.